© Wandern im Löckenmoos ©OÖTourismus-Maybach
Eine Gruppe Wanderer steht an einem Zaun vor einem kleinen Bergsee und bewundert den spiegelglatten See, der von Wäldern umgeben ist.

Your personal sense of achievement with the "hike pin" of SummitLynx

How it works: 

  1. Search for SummitLynx in your „App Store“ or „Google Play“, install the App and start it.
  2. Register with you Facebook account or create a new SummitLynx account. 
  3. Under "pin" you see which targets you have to reach to get a hike pin. 
  4. You have an overview where you have been, how many  points you collected and how many are missing. 
  5. Start to bike or hike!
  6. When you reach your target, open the app and create an entry in the suggested target.
  7. Complete your entry with a picture and create a short text - don't forget to save it :-).

On the website www.summitlynx.com/en/ you can edit your entry later.

The last entries in the Salzkammergut