© sommerpanorama_regionen_NEU
Eine Panoramakarte zeigt das Salzkammergut. Die Namen der Regionen wurden auf der Karte vermerkt. Ebenso befindet sich das Salzkammergut Logo auf der Karte.

Information on the Salzkammergut


The Salzkammergut is a landscape and historic cultural area in Austria at the northern edge of the Alps.

Seen from a historic point of view the Salzkammergut is a region in Upper Austria around Bad Ischl and Hallstatt, later on also Ebensee and Gmunden. Today the term Salzkammergut more generally covers the region stretching from Lake Fuschlsee, Lake Mondsee into Almtal Valley, from Vöckla Valley to Dachstein and Grimming Mountain.


The Salzkammergut Tourist Region comprises 57 municipalities from three Austrian provinces. The biggest section (72%) is in Upper Austria (districts of Gmunden and Vöcklabruck), a section of 16% , namely the Ausseerland, is in Styria (district of Liezen – political district of Bad Aussee and the smallest section (12%) is part of the province of Salzburg (district of Salzburg-Umgebung).

The tourist region comprises eight region:

  • Ausseerland - Salzkammergut
  • Wolfgangsee Holiday Region
  • Dachstein Salzkammergut Holiday Region
  • Traunsee-Almtal Holiday Region
  • Attersee-Attergau Holiday Region
  • Bad Ischl Holiday Region
  • Mondsee-Irrsee Holiday Region
  • Fuschlsee Holiday Region

The Salzkammergut Tourismus-Marketing GmbH, a holding of the 57 municipalities of the Salzkammergut that are allowed to use the name “Salzkammergut” as a brand name according to the tourist laws of the three provinces, is responsible for marketing this tourist region.