© Foto SalzburgerLand Tourismus/Christoph Oberschneider; Panorama vom Aussichtsturm und Mondsee
Panoramaaufnahme vom Aussichtsturm Kulmspitze, umgeben von Wäldern. Ausblick auf den Mondsee und die Berge Schafberg, Drachenwand und Schober. Der Himmel ist blau und wolkenlos, ein leichtes Morgenrot ist zu sehen.

How the Salzkammergut tastes


Sweet Easter nests

from yeast dough


625 g wheat flour
1/4 l lukewarm milk
1 cube of fresh yeast
100 g sugar
1 teaspoon of salt
1 egg
100 g butter at room temperature

1 egg for coating
Hail sugar for sprinkling

For the decoration:
Edible Easter grass and colourful chocolate eggs



For the sweet yeast dough, mix the lukewarm milk with the egg, salt and sugar in a mixing bowl. Then add the flour and crumble the yeast on top. Finally, add the butter and process everything into a smooth dough using a food processor.

Leave the dough to rest for approx. 30 minutes, then divide into 7-8 dough pieces. Divide one portion of dough into three smaller pieces and roll each of these pieces into a 20 cm long strand. Braid these strands into a plait. Twist this plait into a wreath and gently press the ends together.

Place the Easter nests on a baking tray lined with baking paper and leave to rest for another 20 minutes under a tea towel. In the meantime, preheat the oven to 170 degrees top/bottom heat. After the baking time, brush each nest with the beaten egg and sprinkle with caster sugar. Bake in the preheated oven for approx. 18-20 minutes until golden brown.

Place the edible Easter grass and the colourful chocolate eggs in the middle of the cooled Easter nests (press in a little to make sure they stick).


Credits: Heidi Zuschrader