
City of culture Bad Ischl

A variety of cultural events take place in Bad Ischl throughout the year. Whether jazz, operetta, poetry, boogie & blues or Irish-Celtic folk - Bad Ischl is a conurbation for cultural events of all kinds. The local customs are not neglected either and are celebrated several times a year in an incomparable way.


Culture and customs in the Attersee-Attergau region

In addition to the numerous cultural events such as the Attersee New Year's Concert or the Gustav Mahler Festival, the Attersee-Attergau region has served as a great source of inspiration for numerous painters, poets and musicians in the past. The customs themselves are also very important in the region: Numerous craftsmen have their home here.


Salzkammergut Festival Weeks in Gmunden

Top-class music events await you also in Gmunden. Starting with the Salzkammergut Festwochen, which are dedicated to classical music, but also jazz events, readings, performances, films, contemporary concerts, song recitals or exhibitions will inspire all culture lovers.


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Festivals in the Salzkammergut

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