Enjoy a leisurely day of swimming at the beach in Unterach am Attersee, buy a parking ticket or season ticket stress-free!
Payable from 10:00 - 18:00
Chargeable from 10 am - 5 pm
From Salzburg via the A1 - Mondsee exit
From Vienna/Linz via the A1 - St. Georgen exit, Attersee via Nußdorf to Unterach
From the west - Bad Ischl-Weißenbach-Unterach
From Salzburg or Linz/Vienna to Vöcklamarkt. Linz/Vienna to Vöcklamarkt, continue with the Attergau Bahn to Attersee, continue by bus to Unterach
From Salzburg via the A1 - Mondsee exit
From Vienna/Linz via the A1 - St. Georgen exit
Fees apply from 10:00 - 18:00
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