
Capuchin House

Gmunden, Oberösterreich, Österreich
1633 to 1639 living quarters for the capuchin monks
Since 1805 owned by the Kolping family
The building is first mentioned in 1533. The building served as soldier´s quarters during the 30 year war (1618 – 1648). Capuchin monks also lived here from 1633 whilst building the capuchin abbey on the abbey square which was opened in 1639. At the end of the war, the building resembled ruins. The town council gave the building to a new owner free of charge in 1710. After numerous changes of owner, the soap boiler family Milka bought the building in 1854. Since 1805 the catholic Kolping family are tenants. 1893 the Milka family sold the house to the catholic fellowship association. In 1893 Anton Merschitzka opened a soap shop in the right hand side of the building, also reopening the soap boiler house where 300 years prior soap was boiled and thus opening the first soap speciality shop. This turned into a candle and perfume shop in the 20th century. Today many different shops are operating at this location.
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Capuchin House
Marktplatz 13
4810 Gmunden

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