
Riesner wayside shrine

Tiefgraben am Mondsee, Oberösterreich, Österreich
The Riesner wayside shrine is located on the hiking trail Nr 5 from Gosaugraben to the Riesner mountain.
For the inhabitants of the Riesnerhof and the surroundings the pathway was the one they took to get to School or to the church. The Mondseebergstraße was bult in 1936.
In the 20s the burin who had nine Kids put up the Picture of the holy virgin Mary and prayed that nothing would ever happen to her children on their way to School.
Mrs Schrunkmayrs daughter in law Looks after the shrine and decorates it during christmas.
When the shrine had to be renovated they went to Mr August Meindl and asked for his help.
The shrine was owned by a lot of People and with it the forest that surrounded it.
A few years ago August Meindl renovated the shrine again, but it was damaged not soon after and hat to be renovated again.

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Please get in touch for more information.


Riesner wayside shrine
Wanderweg 1
5310 Tiefgraben am Mondsee

Phone +43 6232 4166

Contact person

Pfarre Mondsee
Kirchenplatz 1
5310 Tiefgraben am Mondsee

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