You could spend hours at this cot studying every single figure or group of figures. or group of figures. You could spend hours at this cot studying every single figure or group of figures. or group of figures. Most of them also move, which fascinates not only adults but children in particular are fascinated. Both the large-scale nativity scene and the many the many figures are the work of Wolfgang Harringer. gschwandthäusl nativity scene The figures depicted give an insight into the life of the "little people" at the turn of the century. turn of the century. Wolfgang Harringer was already using electricity to power the crib. He generated this This was generated by water power, which he drew from his stream and combined with a self-made and combined it with a self-made gear train as a drive. It is particularly worth mentioning that when the Harringer family remodelled their house, they room for the nativity scene when they remodelled their house. This shows how closely the family still identifies with the the unique world of nativity scenes and upholds the legacy of their grandfather
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